Customs Clearance, Commodity Inspection, goods examination, Tax payment, Pre-classification;
Deliver the new policies & provisions of the Customs.
Customs Clearance, Commodity Inspection, goods examination, Tax payment, Pre-classification;
Deliver the new policies & provisions of the Customs.
Prompt, precise, perfect
Invoice, Packing List
Goods Description, HS Code No., declaration elements information
Contract (General Trade)
Manual No. (Processing Trade)
Entrustment on the customs electronic port
Special documents upon demand
Invoice, Packing List,
Goods Description, HS Code No., declaration elements information
B/L copy
Contract (General Trade)
Manual No. (Processing Trade)
Entrustment on the customs electronic port
Invoice, Packing List,
Goods Description, HS Code No., declaration elements information
Former Export Declaration sheet
Tax paid proof
Return applications
Return Agreement
Non Conformity Report
Entrustment on the customs electronic port
Special documents upon demand
Invoice, Packing List, Manual No.(Processing Trade) Contract (General Trade)
Factory inspection list
Entrustment on the customs electronic port
Commodity inspection registration code, Organization Code Certificate